Do you often feel pressure and discomfort in your upper stomach after dinner? Suffering from indigestion and/or heartburn can be bothersome, especially if it impairs you from participating in activities. Here are a few tips for fighting symptoms of indigestion after eating dinner.  Use Antacids First, to fight indigestion afterContinue Reading

For many people across the U.S., soda is a staple. People like it for the taste or they depend on it for caffeine. While it’s extremely common, it also has the potential to impact your health negatively.  Increases Risk of Diabetes  Most sodas have very high sugar content. Consumption ofContinue Reading

Who doesn’t love pizza? This quintessentially Italian-American dish has become world-renowned because of how simple and delicious it is–but it is also famously unhealthy. If you’re trying to figure out how to make it yourself, you might want to keep some of these little tricks in mind to make itContinue Reading

When you hear the word “fats,” you might immediately think that these are bad or unhealthy. However, this is not true. While excessive consumption of some fats can lead to serious health problems, like diabetes, your body needs healthy fats to reduce the chances of serious illness and to functionContinue Reading